Flower Notes:
Pink (Numerous, small lavender-rose flowers in late March to early April)
Foliage Notes:
Red-Violet (Young and emerging leaves); Green (Lustrous green, heart-shaped leaves in summer); Yellow (Fall foliage)
Fruit Notes:
Green (Flattened green seed pods that eventually mature to brown in late summer; produced less abundantly than species type on this cultivar)
Soil Notes:
Grows in soil of low fertility and higher alkalinity
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Alternate, simple, cordate (heart-shaped), 3-5" long leaves with pulvinus (distinct swelling) just below the blade. Leaves appear to overlap one another in a shingle-like pattern along the stems. Young leaves emerge with a red-purple tinge. Stems form a zig-zag pattern. Flowers are small (0.5" long), pale purplish-pink, and pea-like. Bark on older mature trees can be an attractive brownish-black with orange inner bark showing through.