Tree InvasiveThis plant is considered invasive Acer platanoides [Norway Maple] One of the densest shade trees, widely adaptable to soils and environments, including dry and polluted city conditions. Transplants easily. Extremely dense canopy and shallow root system make it impossible to maintain good turf beneath. Can be a weed problem, especially in cooler parts of the northeast US. Slight susceptibility to verticillium wilt, anthracnose, and leaf scorch. Can be damaged by 2,4-D drift. Does not perform well in southern US (warm nights severely retard growth).…
Tree Indiana Native Acer saccharum [Sugar Maple] Widely adapted to climate, but best in at least reasonably fertile soil. One of the best shade tree species over a wide area, but for best results select plants known for adaptability to the local region. Quite shade tolerant. Low maintenance in a good site. 50 gal. sap or more needed to make 1 gal. syrup. Not so drought-tolerant as silver maple, but reasonably so. Does poorly in compacted soils, and doesn't like salt spray.…
Liana (Climbing Vine) Actinidia arguta [Bower Actinidia] Requires a strong support. Dioecious. Flesh, seed, and fuzzless skin of fruit is edible, and has high vitamin C content. Rampant growth needs pruning. Japanese beetles have some attraction to the foliage.
Tree Indiana Native Aesculus flava [Yellow Buckeye] The Yellow Buckeye is a large, majestic native tree that is widely adapted to soils and environments; however, very dry conditions must be avoided. Drought causes early leaf drop and leaf blotch, and leaf scorch can disfigure foliage in dry soil. That being said, this species is less prone to foliar problems than the related Aesculus glabra (Ohio Buckeye) is. Difficult to transplant once established due to long taproot. Large, abundant fruits in autumn can…
Tree Indiana Native Aesculus glabra [Ohio Buckeye] Widely adapted to soils and environments; however, very dry conditions must be avoided. Drought causes early leaf drop. Leaf blotch and leaf scorch often disfigure foliage, especially in dry soil. Spiny fruits in autumn can be troublesome underfoot, and eliminates species type as a good street tree. Fruits are toxic, containing 3-5% saponins.
Tree Aesculus hippocastanum [Common Horsechestnut] Widely adapted to soils and environments; however, very dry conditions must be avoided. Leaf blotch often disfigures foliage. Spiny fruits in autumn can be troublesome underfoot, and eliminates species type as a good street tree. Fruits are toxic containing 3-5% saponins.
Tree Indiana Native Carya illinoinensis [Pecan] The Pecan is a tall, straight-trunked tree and is the largest of the hickories. It is well-known for its sweet, edible nuts and because of this, it is an important horticultural crop in the south, where it produces fruit most abundantly. However, it is not generally recommended for use in the landscape, due to its pest susceptibility and litter problem. With its large taproot, it can also be quite difficult to transplant.
Tree Indiana Native Catalpa speciosa [Northern Catalpa] Coarse winter trunks and branches are bold and striking; picturesque. Best for difficult areas. Wood is rot resistant, but is somewhat brittle so branches can fall in wind and ice storms. Too coarse of texture for most urban landscapes. Short-lived to about 50 years.
Shrub Indiana Native Cornus amomum [Silky Dogwood] Easy to transplant. Relatively trouble-free. A three-year pruning cycle improves form, vigor, and winter stem color effect. Cutting all stems 6-12" from ground in late winter has similar effect. Best in mass plantings. Excellent for winter color. Scale and leaf spot can be a problem. Can appear a bit coarse in the landscape.