Flower Notes:
White (Extremely fragrant, creamy-white 1" dia. flowers on 4-8" racemes in May)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Dark bluish-green 6-14" long leaves with small leaflets, which cast a beautiful mottled shade in summer)
Stem Notes:
light reddish to greenish brown, slender, zig-zag, smooth
Fruit Notes:
Black (Flat pod; not ornamentally important)
Soil Notes:
Especially well adapted to poor, dry, alkaline soils; does not tolerate permanently wet soils
East-central to central United States, naturalized more widely
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves alternate and pinnately compound with 7 to 19 1-2" long leaflets. Paired stipular prickles at nodes. Stems are ridged. Old trunks have interlaced ridges resembling ropes.