Flower Notes:
White (Profuse creamy-white, malodorous flowers in May in 3-5" flat-topped cymes, often smothering the plant; followed by sporadic flowering through summer)
Foliage Notes:
Green (Attractive, linden-like summer foliage); Multi-Colored (Yellow and orange-red fall foliage)
Fruit Notes:
Red (Shiny, bright cherry to scarlet red berries in 5" wide clusters from August until mid-winter)
Diagnostic Characteristics:
Opposite leaves are simple, ovate, 2-5" long and half to 3-quarter's as wide, and coarsely toothed (creating a scalloped edge like a sea shell). A slight pubescence covers both surfaces. Prominent orange lenticels. 'Oneida' has more glabrous leaves and stems than its Viburnum dilatatum parent.